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Sharing Obsessions

Italian Jiaozi and other links

Tell me you've been to Italy without telling me you've been to Italy.


Na estrada


Sharing Obsessions

Week #23

Common reflections, couple of cool tools, and beautiful guitar music.

Sharing Obsessions

Week #21

Hello Sun, it is nice to see you again, wait… why are you leaving already?


Belém, making amends

An almost foreigner's look into Belém's food markets & some of its surroundings – a collection of photos.

Belém, making amends
Sharing Obsessions

Week #19

Fake cell phone towers, my current tiktok obsession, and more on technology.


Brasil: Saudades #1

Revisiting these photos nowadays is almost equivalent to traveling. Here are some photographs I took in Brazil over the last 17 years that I'm fond of. This is the first of many collections. :)

Brasil: Saudades #1
Sharing Obsessions

Week #18

How are you? Interactive articles on physics, virtual streamers, and NFTs.


Week #16

A quick work update, a question that I've been asking, and a couple of recommendations.


#004: Pannierstraße's rooftop

Between 2018 and 2019, Kevin and I shared a flat that, despite the 5 long flights of stairs, had quite the bonus, and it was too good of a novelty.