Week #23

Common Reflections – False Knees


Not so far away

We can only think about the future from today's perspective. "Closer Than We Think!" created by Arthur Radebaugh was a comic strip from the 50s that imagined what the future would look like. This twitter thread has a good collection of them and there is also a documentary available here.


Brilliant blew my mind away. A great way to teach math and science with interactive exercises.


Flow is an experimental image editor that shift pixels around in horizontal or vertical bands. It was created by Constraint Systems, if you don't know it, check the site and you won't regret.


This NY Times documentary on the daily life of a professional live streamer in China is as present dystopian as we can get.


This is one of those threads that just keeps on giving. I had no idea about any of it, now I can't wait to watch the next performances.


Fabiano do Nascimento – Tempo dos Mestres (2017)

I haven't stopped listening to this record by Fabiano do Nascimento since I it was recommended to me. You have a lot of choro, samba, and jazz. You can see him performing on NPR Tiny Desk with a humongous 10-string guitar here.

Um beijo.